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      Edd Bateman posted an update

      2 months ago

      Had a nice little tour with Bombino this month. So the first tour I did with them was pretty intense. On a Thursday in July I got a message saying Bombino had sacked his bassist and needed someone to fly the next day to Italy. To cut a long story short I accepted about 1am, went to bed, got up and headed for the airport, learnt many of their songs on the two plane journeys, got there and then they didn’t really play any of those songs.

      There was no setlist, I’d get a few seconds of Bombino’s guitar intro improvisation to find the key and then off we went into some Taureg blues.

      I don’t mind that at all. Actually my favourite gigs are the ones where I’ve never met the musicians or heard any of the songs. Keeps me alert.

      However with this October tour I had some time to listen through his albums and learn much of it, although still there would always be curveballs thrown in that I’d never heard. Here is a bass solo from a show at The Cornish Bank, Falmouth.


      Bombino Bass Solo
